
New Members:

The Greenwich Membership Chair, Rosemarie Anner is happy to provide application forms to prospective members.

Our Membership Treasurer is Heather Sandifer. She can be reached at

The following is more comprehensive information on our organization and on requirements to join:

Letters:  Professional writers are eligible for Letters membership. Examples of writing and proof of payment must be submitted to the membership committee. Chairs are now Deb Weir and Cathy Horn.

NLAPW Membership form
Letters Application form link:

Art:  Professional women eligible for the art membership include painters, photographers, and sculptors. All credentials will be submitted with proof of payment for works or services. In addition, the artist must show proof of work accepted for at least three select juried exhibitions.

NLAPW Membership form
Art Application form link:

Music:  Professional women eligible for the music membership may present professionally published original compositions or original creative arrangements, original unpublished compositions, or creative arrangements that have been performed in a public forum. All credentials shall be submitted with proof of payment for works, or proof of performance in a public setting or via a communications medium. Music Chair: Adrienne Reedy

NLAPW Membership form
Music Application form link:

All potential members must attend two meetings before applying for membership. National dues are $65.00 per year plus a $15 charge for application process (one time charge) and $35.00 per year for Greenwich Branch dues.


The following are summaries of eligibility and qualification requirements established by the National League of American Pen Women.

Letters ~ Professional women eligible for letters membership include authors, co-authors, advertising sales promoters, compilers, dramatists, editors, genealogists, lecturers, librettists, lyric writers, periodical writers, photo journalists, poets, press writers, script writers for communication media or motion pictures, research workers, and musicologists. Required credentials must include proof of publication and payment.

Art ~ Professional women eligible for the art membership include architects, cartoonists, craftswomen, designers, graphic artists, illustrators, painters, photographers, and sculptors. Credentials submitted must include proof of payment for works or services and, for exhibiting artists, proof of work accepted in three juried exhibitions. In addition, the painter, sculptor, craftsman, or graphic artist must show proof of work accepted for at least three select juried exhibitions.

Composition in Music and Dance ~ Professional women eligible for the music membership may present original compositions or original creative arrangements that have been professionally published or performed in a public forum. Choreographers shall present notated scores or video or filmed performances. Credentials shall be accompanied by proof of payment, or salary, for creating and directing the work submitted.